18How.com – This post i will instruction how to create a Google Account or Register Gmail Without Mobile Phone Verification, if you don’t have any phone number to verification, you can use a gmail email , yahoo email or another email to register new email without phone number.
This solution you can register more and more google account without number phone, a second email is all you need, if you don’t have you can use a facebook email, after register completed you can alter this email.
We have A step to register a gmail account without phone number:
Notes: This solution valid with Google TOS, you can create many account you want.
Step 1: Go to Gmail Regiter Page
– Open your browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer or Opera) and go to http://gmail.com or click here
– Click to “Create an Account” button (Blue Button) to go to gmail register page.
Step 2: Fill all field without Mobile Phone number
– Fill all field of gmail register form without mobile phone number, but you need enter a email to “Your current email address” you can use yahoo email, hotmail v.v. or an an email (after register completed you need change this email)
– Enter captcha code then click “Next Step” button:
Step 3: Register Google Gmail Account without Phone Verification Completed!
– After Step 2, you will see a page like this:
– Google don’t ask your number phone verification code, now you can add a photo and complate your Google profile.
Notes: Please watch this video to see detail: how to register gmail without phone number
Good luck! – 18How.com